Focus & Scope

Jurnal Kesehatan Perintis is an medical journal that publishes research results and as a source of information in the health sector. We publish original research papers focused on nursing, midwifery, nutrition, and health analysts as well as the best topics. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. Jurnal Kesehatan Perintis is published two times a year. The scope of Journal is:

1. Nutrition, consisting of ways of food production, postharvest changes (food supply, food distribution and       

    processing, food consumption and how to use food by a healthy and sick body)

2. Nursing, consisting of basic nursing, child nursing, community nursing, medical nursing surgery, mental       

    nursing and maternity nursing

3. Midwifery, consisting of reproductive health, pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, childbirth and family planning

4. Health Analyst, consisting of hematology examination, clinical chemistry examination, parasitology

    examination, microbiology examination, immunology examination.